Leven Elias Leeth

Leven Elias Leeth

Male 1856 - 1952  (95 years)

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  • Name Leven Elias Leeth 
    Born 17 Mar 1856  Waverly, Pike County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Census 1860  Pebble Township, Pike County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [2
    as Lavina Leeth, in the household of John Leeth, Jr. 
    Census 1870  Rushcreek Township, Logan County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    as Leven Leeth, in the household of John Leeth 
    Residence 1872  Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Census 1880  Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    as Leven Leeth, boarder, farm laborer, in the household of Fred Wall 
    Census 1890  Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    as Leven Elias Leeth, Jr 
    Census 1900  Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    as Eleven Leeth, farmer, head of household 
    Census 1910  Highland Township, Defiance County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [7
    as Leven Leeth, farm laborer, head of household 
    Newspaper 17 May 1913  [8
    The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 17 May 1913, p3 

    • L. E. Leeth was a Fort Wayne caller Fridey, being the guest while there of his brother, Earl and family.
    Newspaper 10 Jun 1913  [9
    The Fort Wayne Sentinel (Fort Wayne, Indiana), 10 June 1913, p1 

    • Antwerp News
      Louis Brown and wife, of Baldwin, Ind. were Sunday guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Leeth at this place.
      Mrs. F. Maxwell and daughter Ethel, and sons Lester and Laurence, and the baby, of Grabill, Ind., were over Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs L E Leeth at this place.
    Newspaper 6 Sep 1917  [10
    The Payne Reflector and Press Review (Payne, Ohio), 6 September 1917, p8: Pioneers 

    • Part XLI
      Shelley and Quince Families
      Frances and Mary Jane (Shanberg) Shelley were natives of France, and members of the Catholic church. Mr. Shelley attended in Paris seven years, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shelley were married in France and there in France were born seven children. Mary, Catherine, Mary Ann, Martha, Lovina, Henry and Victoria. Francis Jr., and Peter were born in this country. The family emigrated to America in 1831 and settled in Richland county. In 1840 the family came to Paulding county and entered 80 acres of land one mile north of Payne on north-east corner. They built their cabin where the home of Mr. Cox now stands. They lived there with their family until the death of Mr. Shelley, August 6 1866.
      Mrs. Emma Bodey a grand-daughter remembers hearing them tell of the roof blowing off the cabin one night. The parents and daughters slept downstairs in the small cabin and the sons in the loft. This night a man way-farer was a guest and the boys and guest were compelled to descend quickly in abbreviated costumes. While the parents remained faithful to the Catholic faith, the children later joined the United Brethren church. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Shelley made her home with her son Henry Shelley who lived in the home at Lamb's corners and with her daughter Mrs. Quince. She died March 20, 1885, aged 94 years. Each of these sons were given on their marriage forty acres of land. Henry earned the forty acres across from the Hiram Underwood farm with the proceeds of night's coon hunting and sold it $75.00.
      Mary the eldest daughter of Francis and Mary Jane Shanberg became the wife of John McGill. They lived just south of the Lehman school house south of bridge. Had no children. Catherine born in France, Sept. 8 1842, became the wife of Francis Quince in Richland county on Feb. 14, 1842. Their children were Mary died in infancy, Solomon born Nov. 5, 1845, Mary Cecil Radenbaugh born Sept. 10, 1847, Francis A., Aug. 2, 1849, died Aug. 10, 1880, Laura born July 27, 1852, died Nov. 8, 1879, Catherine born 1856, died 1860. Mary Ann married Solomon Mott of Vernon Junction, Ohio. Friends here only know of one daughter, Julia. Mrs. Mott is now living at the age of 90 years.
      Martha chose for her husband, William Holmes and the family moved to Iowa, cannot ascertain names of children. Lovina married Maurice Keller and for many years lived on South Main street and built the house in which Miss Nellie Bradley lives. They had no children.
      Henry Shelley was born near Paris, France, Dec. 26, 1829. He was two years of age when his parents came to this country. Henry Shelley was married three times. His first wife was Miss Abagail Chaney the daughter of Charles Chaney of this county, one son Charles was born to them. The wife died and Mr. Shelley married Miss Mahala Mikle, a sister of Daniel Mikle. Their children were Abram, Louisa the wife of L. Leeth and three deceased. Mrs. Mahala Shelley died in 1866. In 1869, Julia Myton the daughter of Robert and Rhoda Homan Myton of German lineage became the third wife. Their children were Carrie who died in 1883, Emma born May 21, 1875 and wife of Isaac Body. Victoria born Sept. 5, 1877. Ada May born May 23, 1881 and wife of George Fugate, and Lucy born June 27, 1889.
      In 1864, Henry Shelley enlisted in Company H, One Hundred Sixty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry and served 100 days. He secured his honorable discharge. The family was highly-esteemed in the community. Mrs. Shelley died January 18, 1914. Mr. Shelley died March 8, 1904.
      Victoria, born in France, March 20, 1831, became the wife of Hiram Northrup, of this family we will write later
      Francis Shelley and Lucinda Myton a sister of the third wife of Henry Shelley were married in Allen county, Indiana, May 10, 1857. He was born in Richland county, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1837. She was born in Crawford county, Ohio, June 15, 1841. Their family are Mary J., born April 26, 1860, wife of Wm. Buerkle, Joseph F., born Dec. 28, 1865, Clarrissa A., born Aug. 30, 1869, wife of Fred White. Adalene was born Jan. 29, 1872, wife of Christ Peterson.
      Francis Shelley served three years in the 68th Ohio during the Rebellion and was discharged at Savannah, Georgia. The home farm was across the road west of the Fred Wahl farm. Late in life Mr. Shelley bought the South Main street property of his brother-in-law Maurice Kelley. A few years ago he sold this and they moved to near Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Shelley are still living. They were prominently identified with the United Brethren church.
      Peter Shelley married Martha J. Payne in 1860. They had five sons and two daughters. We have no record of his death. Mrs. Shelley died June 23, 1917 at the age of 75 years at the home of her daughter Mrs. John H. Medsker of South Benton.
      (Continued Next Week)
    Newspaper 30 Jul 1925  [11
    The Payne Reflector and Press Review (Payne, Ohio), 30 July 1925, p8 

    • Leeth-Wren Reunion
      Last Sunday the Leeth-Wren families held their reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leeth of northeast of town. Those present to enjoy the day were Mrs. Mary A. Leeth, Phyllis Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hardesty of Paulding; C. L. Davisson and wife, Margaret Kilpatrick and Margaret Ohler of Round Head, Ohio; Mrs Manoah Miller and daughter Deane, Joe Miller and family B. L. Bailey and wife and Chas. Sidle and wife of Auburn, In.; A. V. Silvers and family, Frank Miller and family and Juaneta Leeth of Fort Wayne; Miss Leah Leeth of Detroit; Reed Windgardner and family of Lima; L. E. Leeth and family and Harry Leeth and family of Haviland, O.; C. M. Mayes and wife, W. J. Connor and family and John Leeth of Kansas City, Kansas; Emma W. Mertz and son Forest of Ada, O.; Clara W. Ford and son of Lafayette, O.; C. W. Wren and wife of Marysville, O.; H. F. Armentrout and family, Harry Green and family of Marion, O.; C. B. McColloch and wife of West Mansfield, O.; Jonas Cromley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wren and daughter of Antwerp; Soy Leeth and family of Defiance; Jonas Brown and family of Churubusco, Ind.; Chas. Leeth and family of Lancaster, O.; Geo. Williams and family of McComb, O.; Ed Carter and wife of Union City, Mich.; Harold Blank of Wapakoneta; Mrs. Maude B. Mulligan and Iona Outland of Lakewood, O.; Mrs. C. C. Dupler, Dale Stilwell and wife, Fred Wahl, Edward Wahl and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mathias and son Garret, M. M. Leeth and wife, Wm. Wren, Miss Berniece Stiwell, Mis Margaret Otis, S. D. Griswold and family, Earl Leeth and family, Wm. May A. E. Malcuit and wife and D. D. Leeth and family all of Payne.
    Newspaper 13 Aug 1925  [12
    Paulding County Republican (Paulding, Ohio), 13 August 1925, p8 

      The 1925 reunion of the Leeth families and their connections was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leeth, of near Payne.
      An extra large number of relatives was in attendance and a fine time was had by all.
      Following is a list of those who were present:
      Mrs. Mary A. Leeth, Phyllis Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene, Hardesty, of Paulding; O. L. Davission and wife, Margaret Kilpatrick and Margaret Ohler, of Round Head, Ohio; Mrs. Manoah Miller and daughter Deane, Joe Miller and family, B. L. Bailey and wife and Chas. Sidle and wife, of Auburn, Ind.; A. V. Silvers and family, Frank Miller and family and Juaneta Leeth, of Fort Wayne; Miss Leah Leeth, of Detroit; Reed Winegardner and family, of Lima; L. E. Leeth and family and Harry Leeth and family, of Haviland, O.; C. M. Mayes and wife, W. L. Connor and family and John Leeth, of Kansas City, Kansas; Emma W. Mertz and son Forest, of Ada, Ohio; Clara W. Ford and son, of Lafayette, Ohio; C. W. Wren and wife, of Marysville, Ohio; H. F. Armentrout and family, Harry Green and family, of Marion, Ohio; C. B. Colloch and wife, of West Mansfield, Ohio; Jonas Cromley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wren and daughter, of Antwerp; Soy Leeth and family, of Defiance; Jonas Brown and family, of Cherubusco, Ind.; Chas. Leeth and family of Lancaster, Ohio; Geo. Williams and family, of McComb, Ohio; Ed Carter and wife, of Union Cityk Mich.; Harold Blank, of Wapakoneta; Mrs. Maude M. Mulligan and Iona Outland of Lakewood, Ohio; Mrs. C. C. Dupler, Dale Stilwell and wife, Fred Wahl, Edward Wahl and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mathias and son Garret, M. M. Leeth and wife, Wm. Wren, Miss Bernice Stilwell, Miss Margaret Otis, S. D Griswold and family, Earl Leeth and family, Wm. May, A. E. Malcuit and wife and D. D Leeth and family, all of Payne.
    Census 1930  Haviland, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [13
    as Leaven E. Leeth, laborer/clay works, head of household 
    Main Street 
    Residence 1935  Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    Newspaper 22 Jun 1939  [15
    Paulding Democrat (Paulding Ohio) 22 June 1939, p6 

    • Payne Couple Observe Three Events Sunday
      On Sunday, June 18th, Mr. and Mrs. Levan Leeth of Payne observed their 55th wedding anniversary, Father's Day, and Mrs. Leeth's 73rd birthday with a dinner at noon to 40 relatives.
      Seven of their eight children were present: John Leeth, of south of Payne; Ethel Maxwell, Auburn, Indiana; Charles Leeth, Lancaster; Edith Brown, Rome City, Indiana; Harry Leeth, Haviland; Rhoda Baughman, Holly, Michigan; LaFayette Leeth, Haviland, David Leeth of Auburn, another son, was unable to be at home.
      The Leeths have 34 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild. They have lived most of their life in and around Payne. Mr. Leeth is 84.
    Newspaper 22 Jun 1939  [16
    The Oakwood News. Oakwood, Ohio, 22 June 1939, p1 

    • On Sunday, June 18th, Mr. and Mrs. Levan Leeth of Payne observed their 55th wedding anniversary, Father's Day, and Mrs. Leeth's 73rd birthday, with a dinner at noon to 40 relatives.
      Seven of their eight children were present. John Leeth, of south of Payne; Ethel Maxwell, auburn, Indiana; Charles Leeth, Lancaster; Edith Brown, Rome City, Indiana; Harry Leeth, Haviland; Rhoda Baughman, Holly, Michigan; LaFayette Leeth, Haviland, David Leeth of Auburn, another son was unable to be at home.
      The Leeths have 34 grandchildren, 24 great grandchildren and 1 great-great grandchild. They have lived most of their life in and around Payne. Mr. Leeth is 84.
    Census 1940  Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [14
    as Leven E. Leeth, head of household, same residence in 1935 
    Newspaper 31 Mar 1949  [17
    Paulding County Republican (Paulding, Ohio), 31 March 1949, p9 

    • To many people, this coming Sunday, April 3rd, won't mean much. it will be just another Sunday. but to Mr. and Mrs. Leven Leeth it will be a very special day, for it will mark their 65th year of married life.
      Mr. and Mrs. Leeth are pictured above in their home one and one-half miles northeast of Tipton in Blue Creek township. They plan to spend the wedding anniversary day quietly at their home.
      Yes, 65 years ago, in 1884, Leven Leeth and Louisa Shelly were united in the holy bonds of wedlock at the bride's home, north of Payne in Paulding County. And looking back over those 65 years Mr. Leeth who celebrated his 93rd birthday March 17th, and Mrs. Leeth will be 82 June 18th, both agree that they were all good years and happy ones. And they still are, for both Mr. and Mrs. Leeth are in remarkably good health and fine spirits—although they admit that they're beginning to notice their age a bit now and then.
      Paulding County Native
      Mrs. Leeth is a true Paulding County native, for she was born near Payne, and has lived here all her life. And although Mr. Leeth can now consider himself as one of the oldest residents in Paulding County, he is not a real native of the place, for he was born in Pike County, and lived in Logan County a number of years before he came to live with his family in Harrison Township.
      Mr. Leeth still remembers when he first came to Paulding County in 1872 when he was only 16 years old. The old canal was still in commission at the time, and still being used for freight. However, it was not long before the last boat to leave Antwerp on the canal was loaded with lumber and made the historical last trip. Mr. Leeth can lay claim to a distinction of sorts, for he was one of the men that helped load the boat for its last trip.
      Reservoir Incident
      Outstanding among the recollections in his mind of the days long since gone by, is one about the blowing up of the reservoir, the waters of which covered the land of several farmers who had their farms taken from them when the reservoir was built.
      He well remembers the feeling and talk that led up to the decision to blow it up, the quiet well organized group of 100 men or so, who loaded a half ton of dynamite into a wagon one night, calmly set the fuses and proceeded to blow the reservoir up. The water poured into the Maumee River, the men got their land back, no one was hurt, and as there was no following investigation, the whole incident turned out very successfully.
      Remembers Civil War
      Although to most of us, the Civil War is just something to be studied and read about in school, to Mr. Leeth it is a part of his memories of his childhood. He remembers the day an official rode up to his parents home on a bay horse to serve draft orders on his father and how his mother cried. However, his father did as so many of his time did—and paid the customary bounty (in his case it was $300) to a fellow to act as substitute in his place.
      As a result, his father was still around at the time of Morgan's Raid on the area around Pike County, and was among the number of men who stood guard over various bridges to prevent Morgan from blowing them up.
      Sixty-five years of married life have blessed the Leeth's with a family of nine children (five boys and four girls) and well over—believe it or not—one hundred grandchildren and great grandchildren. In addition to this amazing figure, they claim three great-great-grandchildren.
      The children are: John Mathias, at home: Ethel, or Mrs. Frances Maxwell, near Fort Wayne; Charles Henry, West Manchester, Ohio; Annie Edith or Mrs. Johnas Brown, Rome City, Indiana; Harry Lindley, Fort Wayne; Rhoda Velta, or Mrs. Alfred Baughman, Holly, Michigan; David Edward, near Payne; and Lafayette Elias, Briceton. A daughter, Gertrude Louisa, died.
    Newspaper 7 Apr 1949  [18
    The Payne Reflector and Press Review (Payne, Ohio), 7 April 1949, p1 

    • Mr. and Mrs. Leven Leeth of near Tipton observed their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary on Sunday, April 3. They were married in 1884, at the bride's home, north of Payne. She was the former Louise Shelley.
      Mr. Leeth was 93 years old on March 17, while Mrs. Leeth will be 82 on June 18.
      Mr. Leeth was a native of Pike county, but has lived in Paulding county since 1872.
      Mr. and Mrs. Leeth are the Parents of five sons and four daughters--John Leeth, at home, Mrs Francis Maxwell of near Fort Wayne, Charles Leeth of West Manchester, Mrs. Johnas Brown of Rome City, Ind., Harry L. Leeth of Fort Wayne, Mrs. Alfred Baughman of Holly, Mich., David Leeth of Near Payne and Lafayette Leeth of Briceton. A daughter, Gertrude Louise is deceased.
    Newspaper 15 Dec 1949  [19
    Paulding Progress (Paulding, Ohio), 15 December 1949, p1 
    Died 12 Jan 1952  Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [20
    Cause: of coronary occlusion 
    "The Payne Reflector and Press Review" 
    Death Certificate - Leven Elias Leeth
    Death Certificate - Leven Elias Leeth
    #05358 - Paulding County, Ohio
    Obituary - Leven Elias Leeth
    Obituary - Leven Elias Leeth
    Newspaper clipping
    Obituary - Leven Elias Leeth
    Obituary - Leven Elias Leeth
    Newspaper clipping
    Obituary 16 Jan 1952  [21
    Newspaper unknown - original clipping 

    • Payne Man, 95 Dies After Long Illness
      Payne, O. — Leven Elias Leeth, 95 a resident of Payne 75 years, died Saturday afternoon at his home after a long illness.
      Surviving are the wife, Louisa; five sons, John of Payne, Charles of Dayton, Harry of Jerome, Mich., David, Latty, and Lafie, Briceton; four daughters, Mrs. Josephine Milligan of Milford Center, Mrs. Ether Maxwell of Columbia City, Ind., Mrs. Edity Brown, Wawaka, Ind., and Mrs. Rhoada Baughman, Holly, Mich.; 36 grandchildren and 59 great-grandchildren.
      The body is at the Evans Funeral Home, where friends may call after 10 a.m. today.
      Funeral services will be conducted at 2 p.m. Wednesday in the Church of the Nazarene, the Rev. F. J. Reed officiating. Burial will be in the Wiltsie Cemetery, east of here.
    Buried 16 Jan 1952  Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [22
    Wiltsie Cemetery 
    Leven Elias Leeth and Louisa Mae (Shelley) Leeth
    Leven Elias Leeth and Louisa Mae (Shelley) Leeth
    Louisa & Levan Leeth
    Obituary 17 Jan 1952  [23
    The Payne Reflector and Press Review (Payne, Ohio) 17 Jaunary 1952, p1 

    • Leven Leeth
      Leven Leeth, son of John and Nancy Leeth, was born in Pike County, Ohio, March 17, 1856, and departed this life at the home of his son, John in Payne, Ohio, about 5:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon, January 12, 1952. Having reached the age of 95 years, 9 months and 27 days.
      Mr. Leeth was united in marriage to Louisa Shelly, April 3, 1884, and to them were born five sons and four daughter.
      Mr. Leeth lived a very religious life, was a faithful husband, a good father, a fine neighbor and a true friend to all who knew him.
      His surviving relatives are his wife, Louisa; his five sons, John, of Payne, Ohio, Charles of Dayton, Ohio, Harry of Jerome, Mich., David of Latty, Ohio, and Lafie E., of Briceton, Ohio; four daughters, Josephine Milligan of Milford Center, Ohio, Ethel Maxwell of Columbia City, Ind., Rhoda Baughman of Holly, Mich, and Edith Brown of Wawaka, Ind.; thirty-six grandchildren, fifty-nine great-grandchildren, four great-great-grandchildren, and one sister-n-law, Mrs. Martin Leeth of Payne, Ohio.
      The funeral, in charge of Paul Evans, was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock at the Church of the Nazarene, the Rev. F. J. Reed officiating. Burial in Wiltsie cemetery.
    Name Leaven Elias Leeth 
    Name Levin Elias Leeth 
    Person ID I8  TangledRoots
    Last Modified 25 Sep 2021 

    Father John Leeth, Jr.,   b. 9 Dec 1822, Paulding, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Dec 1900, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 78 years) 
    Mother Nancy Walls,   b. 9 May 1826, Pike County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 24 Jan 1906, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 79 years) 
    Married 21 Apr 1844  Pike County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Family ID F13  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 1 Almina Bolen,   b. 26 Feb 1858, Pike County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1879  (Age 20 years) 
    Married 28 Sep 1876  Logan County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [24
    Marriage Record - Leaven Leeth and Almina Bolen
    Marriage Record - Leaven Leeth and Almina Bolen
    Logan County, Ohio
     1. Josephine Leeth,   b. 12 Aug 1877, West Mansfield, Logan County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Aug 1965, Beaverton, Gladwin County, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 87 years)
    Last Modified 16 Jan 2022 
    Family ID F12  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family 2 Louisa Mae Shelley,   b. 18 Jun 1866, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 10 Mar 1952, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 85 years) 
    Married 3 Apr 1884  Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [25
    Marriage Record - Leaven E. Leeth and Louisa Shelley
    Marriage Record - Leaven E. Leeth and Louisa Shelley
    Paulding County, Ohio

      .....Paulding, O., March 31.--Sunday will be a special day for Mr. and Mrs. Leven Leeth, of Tipton. It will be their anniversary of 65 years of married life.
      .....Leven Leeth and Louise Shelly were married 65 years ago, in 1884 at the bride's home, north of Payne, in Paulding County. Mr. Leeth who celebrated his 93rd birthday March 17, and Mrs. Leeth who will be 82 June 18, agree that the 65 years have been happy ones.
      .....Mrs. Leeth is a Paulding County native. She was born near Payne, and has lived in the county all of her life. But although Mr. Leeth, one of the oldest residents in Paulding County, was born in Pike County, and lived in Logan County a number of years before he came to live with his family in Harrison Township.
      .....Helped Load Canal Boat. Mr. Leeth still remembers arriving in Paulding County in 1872, when he was 16 years old. The old canal was still being used for freight. However, it was not long before the last boat left Antwerp for the historic last trip. Mr. Leeth was among the crew who loaded that last boat.
      .....The Civil War belongs in the memories of Mr. Leeth's childhood. He remembers the day an official rode up to his parents home to serve draft orders on his father. However, his father followed the custom of the time and paid a bounty for a substitute to fight in his place.
      .....The Leeths have a family of nine children (five boys and four girls) and well over one hundred grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In addition, they claim that this huge family has been increased by the birth of three great-great-grandchildren.
      .....The Leeth children include, John Mathias, at home; Ethel, or Mrs. Frances Maxwell, near Fort Wayne; Charles Henry, West Manchester; Annie, or Mrs. Jonas Brown, Rome City, Ind.; Harry, Fort Wayne; Rhoda, or Mrs. Alfred Baughman, Holly, Mich.; David, of Payne; and Lafayette, Briceton. A daughter, Gertrude Louisa is dead. (Source: Taken from paper in Payne, Ohio 1949)
     1. John Mathias Leeth,   b. 18 Dec 1884, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 27 May 1975, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 90 years)
     2. Nancy Ethel Leeth,   b. 18 Sep 1886, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 14 Dec 1974, Auburn, Dekalb County, Indiana, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 88 years)
     3. Gertrude Louisa Leeth,   b. 21 Jan 1889, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 26 Sep 1889, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 0 years)
     4. Charles Henry Leeth,   b. 22 Jul 1889, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 8 Jun 1977, Brookville, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 87 years)
     5. Anna Edith Leeth,   b. 23 Aug 1892, Antwerp, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 20 Feb 1986, Avilla, Noble County, Indiana, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 93 years)
     6. Harry Lindley Leeth,   b. 8 Dec 1894, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 18 Apr 1970, Addison, Lenawee County, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 75 years)
     7. Rhoda Velta Leeth,   b. 20 Feb 1899, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 10 Dec 1991, Grayling, Crawford County, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 92 years)
     8. David Edward Leeth,   b. 10 Feb 1901, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 8 Oct 1987, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 86 years)
     9. Lafayette Elias Leeth,   b. 7 Apr 1904, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 24 Jul 1982, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 78 years)
    Last Modified 16 Jan 2022 
    Family ID F8  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart