# |
Repository ID |
Name |
1 |
R70 | |
2 |
R123 | |
3 |
R21 | Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana |
4 |
R8 | Amos Memorial Public Library, Sidney, Shelby County, Ohio |
5 |
R133 | Ancestry Reference Library, Ancestry Incorporated, Orem, Utah. 1998 |
6 |
R2 | Ancestry.com |
7 |
R175 | Bonnie French |
8 |
R18 | Broderbund Software's Family Archive CD #177 (Ohio Vital Records #2, |
9 |
R25 | Brookville Historical Society, Inc. |
10 |
R73 | Carnegie Library, Paulding, Paulding County, Ohio |
11 |
R79 | CD |
12 |
R124 | Citizens Library, Washington County, Pennsylvania |
13 |
R76 | Clinton County Probate Court |
14 |
R198 | Clinton County, Ohio |
15 |
R42 | colvin@rootsweb.com |
16 |
R182 | Copy of letter obtained from Helen (Lackey) Hormell (Info0005) |
17 |
R85 | Database Online |
18 |
R6 | Dayton Montgomery County Public Library, Dayton, Ohio |
19 |
R205 | Department of Health |
20 |
R177 | email |
21 |
R32 | Family History Library |
22 |
R3 | Family History Library |
23 |
R116 | Family History Library |
24 |
R68 | FamilySearch |
25 |
R46 | Find A Grave |
26 |
R7 | Garnet A. Wilson Public Library, Waverly, Pike County, Ohio |
27 |
R105 | Genealogy Trails |
28 |
R4 | Google Books |
29 |
R14 | Greene County Public Library |
30 |
R16 | http://books.google.com/books?id=ar_8jMtCoWAC&pg=PA87&dq=christian+gat |
31 |
R91 | http://data.ancestry.com |
32 |
R110 | http://digital.library.pitt.edu/pittsburgh/mainpage.html |
33 |
R61 | http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~florey/thomas2.html |
34 |
R37 | http://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgenweb/oh/pike/cemeteries/gardnercem.txt |
35 |
R63 | http://johnbenham.org |
36 |
R34 | http://search.labs.familysearch.org/recordsearch |
37 |
R84 | http://www.archive.org |
38 |
R22 | http://www.archive.org/details/genealogyhistory00alle |
39 |
R136 | http://www.chartiers.com/beers-project/articles/moffitt-1316.html |
40 |
R172 | http://www.heritagecenter.com/Research/WPA/WPA%20ARTICLES%20Index.htm |
41 |
R15 | http://www.lib.byu.edu/fhc/ |
42 |
R183 | http://www.maine.gov/sos/arc/genealogy/ |
43 |
R83 | http://www.ohiohistory.org/dindex/ |
44 |
R154 | http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/springboro/e8b/e8b |
45 |
R196 | http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~varockin/HRHS/cem/elkrun01_01.htm |
46 |
R36 | http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/fellowship/b.htm |
47 |
R171 | http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/kirby/Kirby-Cemetery.htm |
48 |
R152 | http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/Lebanon/evans-drake.htm |
49 |
R142 | http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/Lebanon/g/g060.htm |
50 |
R158 | http://www.rootsweb.com/~ohwarren/Cemetery/Lebanon/os/assets/aht4142_6 |