John P. Radenbaugh

John P. Radenbaugh

Male 1841 - 1903  (61 years)

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  • Name John P. Radenbaugh 
    Born 10 Dec 1841  Williams County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1
    Gender Male 
    Military 4 Aug 1861  [1, 2
    Company F, 38th Regiment O.V.I. 
    Census 1870  Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [3
    as John Radenbaugh, farmer, head of household 
    History / Bio 1892  [2
    Historical Atlas of Paulding County, Ohio (Madison, Wisconsin: Western Publishing Co., 1892), p62 

    • John R. Radenbaugh, one of the enterprising citizens of this county, was born in Williams county, Ohio, December 10, 1841, the son of Phillip and Mary A. (Fisher) Radenbaugh. The parents, who were natives of Germany, emigrated to this country in early life and located for a time in Erie county; late coming to Williams and then to Paulding. John Radenbaugh was educated and reared to the years of maturity in the last named county. On the 11th August 1861, he joined company F. Thirty-eighth Ohio volunteer Infantry, and served for two years and six months, at the end of which time he received his discharge at Chattanooga, Tenn. He re-enlisted there for three years more, served faithfully for a year and a half, and was mustered out of the service in July, 1865. During his service, Mr. Radenbaugh took part in the following battles: Mill Springs, Murfreesborough, Corinth, Stone River, Jonesborough, and the battles in which the army of the Cumberland participated. his marriage with Miss Mary C., the daughter of Francis and Catherine (Shelley) Quince, occurred December 7, 1866, and unto this union these children were born: Francis, Sarah A., wife of Wm. H. Harris; John P. (deceased), Alonzo, William M. (deceased), Henry M. and Lura. Mr. Radenbaugh, who is identified with the democratic party, has held the office of trustee for six years and treasurer for three years. He located in this county in 1851, followed mechandising for sixteen years in Payne, and when, in 1887, his stock was burned, he retired to the farm where he now resides.
    Census 1900  Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [4
    as John Radenbaugh, farmer, head of household 

    • Also listed is:
      Bertha Sherman, servant, born August 1881, age 18
      Sam Fry, laborer, born October 1880, age 19
    Buried Oct 1903  Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [5
    Wiltsie Cemetery 
    Died 16 Oct 1903  Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [6
    Newspaper 6 Sep 1917  [7
    The Payne Reflector and Press Review (Payne, Ohio), 6 September 1917, p8: Pioneers 

    • Part XLI
      Shelley and Quince Families
      Frances and Mary Jane (Shanberg) Shelley were natives of France, and members of the Catholic church. Mr. Shelley attended in Paris seven years, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shelley were married in France and there in France were born seven children. Mary, Catherine, Mary Ann, Martha, Lovina, Henry and Victoria. Francis Jr., and Peter were born in this country. The family emigrated to America in 1831 and settled in Richland county. In 1840 the family came to Paulding county and entered 80 acres of land one mile north of Payne on north-east corner. They built their cabin where the home of Mr. Cox now stands. They lived there with their family until the death of Mr. Shelley, August 6 1866.
      Mrs. Emma Bodey a grand-daughter remembers hearing them tell of the roof blowing off the cabin one night. The parents and daughters slept downstairs in the small cabin and the sons in the loft. This night a man way-farer was a guest and the boys and guest were compelled to descend quickly in abbreviated costumes. While the parents remained faithful to the Catholic faith, the children later joined the United Brethren church. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Shelley made her home with her son Henry Shelley who lived in the home at Lamb's corners and with her daughter Mrs. Quince. She died March 20, 1885, aged 94 years. Each of these sons were given on their marriage forty acres of land. Henry earned the forty acres across from the Hiram Underwood farm with the proceeds of night's coon hunting and sold it $75.00.
      Mary the eldest daughter of Francis and Mary Jane Shanberg became the wife of John McGill. They lived just south of the Lehman school house south of bridge. Had no children. Catherine born in France, Sept. 8 1842, became the wife of Francis Quince in Richland county on Feb. 14, 1842. Their children were Mary died in infancy, Solomon born Nov. 5, 1845, Mary Cecil Radenbaugh born Sept. 10, 1847, Francis A., Aug. 2, 1849, died Aug. 10, 1880, Laura born July 27, 1852, died Nov. 8, 1879, Catherine born 1856, died 1860. Mary Ann married Solomon Mott of Vernon Junction, Ohio. Friends here only know of one daughter, Julia. Mrs. Mott is now living at the age of 90 years.
      Martha chose for her husband, William Holmes and the family moved to Iowa, cannot ascertain names of children. Lovina married Maurice Keller and for many years lived on South Main street and built the house in which Miss Nellie Bradley lives. They had no children.
      Henry Shelley was born near Paris, France, Dec. 26, 1829. He was two years of age when his parents came to this country. Henry Shelley was married three times. His first wife was Miss Abagail Chaney the daughter of Charles Chaney of this county, one son Charles was born to them. The wife died and Mr. Shelley married Miss Mahala Mikle, a sister of Daniel Mikle. Their children were Abram, Louisa the wife of L. Leeth and three deceased. Mrs. Mahala Shelley died in 1866. In 1869, Julia Myton the daughter of Robert and Rhoda Homan Myton of German lineage became the third wife. Their children were Carrie who died in 1883, Emma born May 21, 1875 and wife of Isaac Body. Victoria born Sept. 5, 1877. Ada May born May 23, 1881 and wife of George Fugate, and Lucy born June 27, 1889.
      In 1864, Henry Shelley enlisted in Company H, One Hundred Sixty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry and served 100 days. He secured his honorable discharge. The family was highly-esteemed in the community. Mrs. Shelley died January 18, 1914. Mr. Shelley died March 8, 1904.
      Victoria, born in France, March 20, 1831, became the wife of Hiram Northrup, of this family we will write later
      Francis Shelley and Lucinda Myton a sister of the third wife of Henry Shelley were married in Allen county, Indiana, May 10, 1857. He was born in Richland county, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1837. She was born in Crawford county, Ohio, June 15, 1841. Their family are Mary J., born April 26, 1860, wife of Wm. Buerkle, Joseph F., born Dec. 28, 1865, Clarrissa A., born Aug. 30, 1869, wife of Fred White. Adalene was born Jan. 29, 1872, wife of Christ Peterson.
      Francis Shelley served three years in the 68th Ohio during the Rebellion and was discharged at Savannah, Georgia. The home farm was across the road west of the Fred Wahl farm. Late in life Mr. Shelley bought the South Main street property of his brother-in-law Maurice Kelley. A few years ago he sold this and they moved to near Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Shelley are still living. They were prominently identified with the United Brethren church.
      Peter Shelley married Martha J. Payne in 1860. They had five sons and two daughters. We have no record of his death. Mrs. Shelley died June 23, 1917 at the age of 75 years at the home of her daughter Mrs. John H. Medsker of South Benton.
      (Continued Next Week)
    Newspaper 13 Sep 1917  [8
    The Payne Reflector and Press Review (Payne, Ohio), 13 September 1917, p8: Pioneers 

    • Part XLII
      Shelley-Quince Families
      No doubt the presence of several French families in this section attracted Francis Quince to this Land of opportunity, but land of privation, want and hard toil, and "it was by faith they sojourned in this land of promise," not knowing of its future as the garden spot of Ohio. Some of our heroic pioneers lived to see the morning glint of the day of promise; others died not knowing or dreaming of the great future of this great country.
      Francis Quince was born in France, May 28, 1816. He came to this country when a young man and settled in Richland county, It was here that he married Catherine Shelley, daughter of Francis and Mary (Shanberg) Shelley, Feb. 13, 1842. She was born in France, Sept. 8, 1822. To Mr. and Mrs. Quince were born six children. Mary was born in Wayne county, Ohio, Nov. 1842, died May 1843. Solomon was born in Richland county, Nov. 5, 1845. Mary Celia was born in Richland county, Sept. 10, 1847, who became the wife of John P. Radenbaugh and is still living. Francis A. Jr., was born in Richland County, Aug. 2, 1849. Laura A. was born July 27, 1852 and died Nov. 8, 1879. Laura married Jarins Bobo to whom were born two children, Celia who became the wife of John Radenbaugh, Jr., and died in Anacortes, Washington, March 26, 1906, and Frank who lives in Spokane, Washington. Catherine was born in Paulding county, Aug. 12, 1856 and and died in October 1860.
      Mr. Quince came to Paulding county in 1856 and settled on the farm which is now owned by his grandson, Frank Radenbaugh. Here they lived exemplary lives true to their Catholic faith in which they raised their children. In their home the itenerant priest found a hearty welcome and performed his priestly offices. It was on one of these visits that Felicia Barbier now Mrs. Charles Pio was baptized. The children attended what was called the Wiltsie school which was located in the angle between the Paulding road and the Wiltsie cemetery road. The teachers were Mrs. Theodora Merchant, Dr. Cunningham and Aelac Kilpatrick.
      Mr. Quince was township trustee for six years; and treasurer one year. His death occurred July 8, 1879, aged 63 years. Mrs. Quince survived him until Aug. 26, 1898, aged almost 76 years. They were both buried in the Snellenberger cemetery.
      Solomon—whose name was Joseph Solomon Quince was married in Paulding county Feb 12, 1872 to Mary Anastasie Socie who was the daughter of Eugene and Frances (Cholley) Socie and born in Stark county, Ohio, Aug. 28, 1850. Their family was Francis E. born November 22, 1872 and married Viola Smith—no children. Mary C. was born September 28, 1874, and married Christopher Vauble. They have one son Christian now a soldier. Charles J. was born January 4, 1878. Edward F. was born October 20, 1879, died February 7, 1881. Mary Celia married John P. Radenbaugh, December 7, 1866. Their family will be given later in business section of Payne. Francis A Jr., was married January 13, 1873 to Miss Agatha Lothammer, born in France in 1852 and the daughter of Theobold and Mary M. (Gamber) Lothammer. To this union were born Cahterine M., Oct. 6, 1873 and married David Smith, they have two children, Celia and Charles, Mary Celeste born April 11, 1875 and married Charles Speice. They have no children. Morris O., was born June 29, 1877.
      A great tragedy occurred in this family August 19, 1880, when the father working in a clearing started for the house when a storm came up. He had his ax on his shoulder when struck by lightning; the ax acting as a conductor. The widow afterward became the wife of John Pearl to whom was born one son, Vinie Pearl.
      (Continued Next Week)
    Occupation Farmer and Merchant  [1
    Person ID I695  TangledRoots
    Last Modified 4 Jul 2021 

    Family Mary Ceila Quince,   b. 10 Sep 1847, Richland County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 30 Mar 1924, Milan, Washtenaw County, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 76 years) 
    Married 7 Dec 1865  Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  [1, 9, 10
     1. Francis Phillip Radenbaugh,   b. 11 Sep 1866, Paulding, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 25 Oct 1940, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 74 years)
     2. Sarah Aretta Radenbaugh,   b. 23 Feb 1868, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 3 Jun 1892, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 24 years)
     3. John Morissy Radenbaugh,   b. 13 Dec 1870, Paulding, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Apr 1872, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 1 years)
     4. Catherine Delilah Radenbaugh,   b. 7 Oct 1873, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 21 Dec 1949, Jackson, Jackson County, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 76 years)
     5. Alonzo Lanford Radenbaugh,   b. 21 Apr 1875, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 27 Mar 1939, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 63 years)
     6. Henry Manford Radenbaugh,   b. 5 Feb 1878, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 3 Jan 1958, Milan, Washtenaw County, Michigan, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 79 years)
     7. Ira Ellmer Radenbaugh,   b. 19 Sep 1880, Benton Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 5 Mar 1887, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 6 years)
     8. Laura Ellen Radenbaugh,   b. 5 Mar 1882, Harrison Township, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 17 Oct 1894  (Age 12 years)
     9. William J. S. Radenbaugh,   b. 21 Feb 1884, Payne, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 5 Mar 1887, Paulding County, Ohio, United States Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 3 years)
    Last Modified 16 Jan 2022 
    Family ID F429  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart