1909 - 1995 (85 years)
Name |
Harry William Hormell [1] |
Harry's birth certificate lists his name as Harry Hormell, with no middle name. The middle name, William, was added at a later date but the records were never changed (letter in file explaining the circumstances).
Born |
28 Aug 1909 |
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States [2] |
At the time of birth Harry was not given a middle name. William was added at a later date but the birth certificate was never changed.
Gender |
Male |
Census |
1910 |
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States [3] |
as Harry W. Hormell, son, in the household of Clifford Hormell |
Census |
1920 |
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States [4] |
as Harry Hormell, son, in the household of Clifford Hormell |
Graduation |
1927 |
Clinton County, Ohio, United States [5] |
Address: Kingman High School |
Census |
1930 |
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States [6] |
as Harry Hormel, son, attending mechanical training school, in the household of Clifford Hormell |
Newspaper |
25 Mar 1934 [7] |
Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio), 25 March 1934, p9 |
Miss Helen Louise Lackey Becomes Bride of Harry W. Hormell.
Xenia, March 24—Miss Helen Louise Lackey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Lackey of 20 Home av., became the bride of Harry William Hormell of New Burlington in a pretty ceremony performed at the home of the bride, before 35 guests, Saturday evening.
Preceding the service Miss Lorena Stephens, Port Williams, sang "I love You Truly" and "At Dawning," accompanied by Miss Frances Jack, who played the "Wedding March" from Wagner's "Lohengrin" for the processional.
The double ring service was used by Dr. W. W. Foust, pastor of the First Reformed church, and the vows were exchange before an altar of ferns and palms in front of the living room mantle. Mrs. Claude Krug (Dorothy Lackey) of Englewood, the bride's sister, was matron of honor and wore a gown of chiffon velvet in maroon shade. Her flowers were spring blooms. Jeanette Hormell, small sister of the bridegroom, was a flower girl and little Bobby Lackey, brother of the bride, was ring bearer. Claude Krug served as best man.
An informal reception following the ceremony and a course dinner was served to the guests, 12 being seated at the bride's table. Mr. and Mrs. Hormell left on a motor trip and, on their return, will make their home at 113 W. Monument av., Dayton. Mrs. Hormell is a graduate of Central high school and attended the Dayton Art Institute. Her husband, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hormell of New Burlington, graduated from Kingman high school.
Residence |
1935 |
Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States [8] |
Occupation |
1936 |
Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States [9] |
serviceman |
Address: National Cash Register Company |
Residence |
1936 |
Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States [9] |
Address: 713 Columbia Terrace |
Occupation |
1938 |
Albany, Albany, New York, United States [10] |
serviceman |
Address: National Cash Resister Company |
Residence |
1938 |
Albany, Albany, New York, United States [10] |
Address: 265 Allen Street |
Census |
1940 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [11] |
as Harry W. Hormell, serviceman at National Cash Register, head of household, head of household, residence in 1935 Peoria, Illinois |
Address: 609 W Fairchild Street |
Physical Description |
16 Oct 1940 [12] |
white, height 5'1", weight 155, hazel eyes, brown hair, dark complexion |
Military |
16 Oct 1940 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [12] |
registered for the WWII Draft |
Occupation |
16 Oct 1940 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [12] |
Address: National Cash Register Company |
Residence |
16 Oct 1940 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [12] |
Address: 609 W Fairchild Street |
Occupation |
1942 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [13] |
serviceman |
Address: National Cash Register Company |
Residence |
1942 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [13] |
Address: 1319 Franklin |
Occupation |
1944 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [14] |
Service Manager |
Address: National Cash Register Company |
Residence |
1944 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [14] |
Address: 1319 Franklin |
Newspaper |
Abt 1945 [15] |
Unknown newspaper... original clipping, ca 1945 "Toastmasters" |
Outlining aims of Toastmasters International which he founded was Ralph C. Smedley of Santa Ana, Calif., as this picture was made Monday night at Hotel Plaza here. Seated at the table with Mr. Smedley are at left Weslie W. Olson of Quincy, governor of District 8, and Tom Sheahan, newly elected president of Danville's Uncle Joe Cannon Chapter. Standing and looking on are, left to right, Harry W. Childs, vice-president; Bob Romack, secretary, and Harry Hormell, treasurer, all elected with Sheahan.
Occupation |
1949 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [16] |
Service Manager |
Address: National Cash Register Company |
Residence |
1949 |
Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States [16] |
Address: 1216 Oak |
Newspaper |
Abt 1950 [17] |
Unknown newspaper... original clipping, ca. 1950 "Moving" |
Just when Danville people felt that the well-liked Harry Hormells were becoming really settled Danvilleans, Harry comes up with a promotion in the National Cash Register Company and the family is moving back to their native Ohio. After 10 years here as head service man in the company, Harry will go to Dayton to become an instructor in the repair school. Best wishes to Harry, Helen, Joyce and Jon!
Occupation |
1951 |
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [18] |
Correspondent |
Address: NCR Corporation |
Residence |
1951 |
Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [18] |
Address: Box 404 |
Religion |
21 Dec 1952 |
Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [19] |
a member of Concord Methodist Church |
Occupation |
1960 |
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [20] |
Correspondent |
Address: NCR Corporation |
Residence |
1960 |
Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [20] |
Newspaper |
30 Jun 1960 [21] |
News Tribune (Englewood, Ohio) 30 Jun 1960 "Lions Club" |
E'wood Lions install officers
ENGLEWOOD — Lion club member and their wives had a dinner meeting Monday evening at the Salem Church of the Brethren. Observing "Charter Night" the special speaker was Dayton Attorney Herbert M. Eikenbary. Fred Blocker, district governor, installed newly elected officers for the 1960-61 club year. Music was enjoyed by the "Mellownotes" comprised by Sandy Hile, Joyce Hormell both seniors at Northmont next year, and Joyce Clevelle who will be a freshman at Bowling Green university this fall.
Newly elected officers of the Englewood Lions club are left to right, Mel Garber, actg. treas. (Verne Hopkins absent); Max Hugler sec'y.; Howard Ullery, third vice pres.; Harold Jepsen, second vice pres.; Dillon Gaskill, first vice pres.; William Walker, immediate past pres. Fred Blocher, installing officer from 13C District (Dayton) is shown congratulating the new president, Harry Hormel.
Occupation |
1961 |
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [22] |
Service Parts Analyst |
Address: NCR Corporation |
Property |
14 Jun 1962 |
Clinton County, Ohio, United States [23] |
sold his interest in the Hormell Farm to Clifford Hormell, Jr. |
Address: Hormell Farm |
Letter from Darbyshire & Associates, Inc.
Enclosed Sale Statement:
Sale of Clifford Hormell's farm to son Clifford Hormell, Jr.
85 Acres in Clinton County
Clifford Hormell - 1/5 share applied to purchase price
Anna Hormell
Harry W & Helen Hormell
Marvin E. & Jeanette Webb
Thomas & Louise Collett
Retired |
1972 |
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [22] |
Physical Description |
25 Aug 1972 [24] |
height: 5' 10", gray hair, blue eyes |
Hobby |
rose gardening, woodworking and his stamp collection [22] |
Medical Condition |
hypertension, coronary artery disease and heart bypass surgery [22] |
Member |
was President of the Englewood Lions Club, Treasurer of Toastmasters International [15, 21] |
Passport |
25 Aug 1972 [25] |
#C 2273381 |
Visa |
3 Oct 1972 [24] |
for Australia |
Visa for travel to Australia issued 3 Oct 1972, expiration 3 Oct 1976
Misc |
9 Nov 1972 [26] |
International Driving Permit #1023901 |
Issued at Washington D. C. 6 November 1972
Harry W. Hormell
Birthplace: Clinton County, Ohio, USA 28 August 1909
Residence: Englewood, Ohio USA
Signed: Harry W. Hormell
Newspaper |
8 Jul 1984 [27] |
Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) 8 Jul 1984, p89 "50th Anniversary" |
Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Hormell, 5151 Kingsford Drive, will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Saturday. They have two children and three grandchildren. They request the omission of gifts.
Newspaper |
Mar 1994 [28] |
Unknown newspaper... original clipping, 17 Mar 1994 "60th Anniversary" |
Harry and Helen Hormell
Hormells Celebrate 60th anniversary
Harry W. and Helen (Lackey) Hormell will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary of Thursday, March 17. The have two children and three grandchildren.
Name |
Harry Hormell |
Friday Noon, Oct. 7 '60
225 Laynd Dr. Xenia
Hello Folks:
Recd your letter & glad to hear from you was beginning to wonder if you rec'd your certificate. You asked about your name on certificate It was given in as Harry by Dr. McKenzie, He & my Mother wanted you to have that name & it was O.K by Dad & I. The next summer we were eating supper on the Porch at the Collett place which we lived on then. Johnny Magee come in that was Howards' father & he wanted to know what your name was we told him and he thot we should of named you Wm after Uncle Will Hormell as he said he thot he was such a good man. Dad told him we would at (add) the Wm to the name which we had given you and Johnny thot that would be very nice. He was a very peculiar man but a good neighbor. There are some very funny things I can remember about Dad and some of our neighbors when I think back about them. You know he never let anyone put anything over on him. I expect Joyce will be very busy This yr, but I always hate it when I think of them giving up some of their music thats' like an education you can have every thing taken from you but that is one thing people can-not take from you, I expect Helen is busy with her School of little ones too. I am going to Louise's today or tomorrow for 2 wks & then will be back at Jeanettes If you have a chance come down There.
Will close now
We have some peonies grounded for you here I want you to have some from Home too when I come back here we will have them.
Will |
1 Aug 1994 |
Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [29] |
Died |
14 Feb 1995 |
Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [30, 31] |
Cause: of cardiac arrest and coronary artery disease |
Address: Good Samaritan Hospital |
Buried |
17 Feb 1995 |
Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States [30, 32, 33, 34] |
Address: Concord United Methodist Church Cemetery |
Gravestone: Harry W. Hormell 1909-1995
Note: Buried in the old part of the cemetery behind the old church.
Person ID |
I6700 |
TangledRoots |
Last Modified |
22 Oct 2021 |
Father |
Clifford Hormell, b. 23 Jan 1874, Oakland, Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States , d. 14 Aug 1950, New Burlington, Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States (Age 76 years) |
Mother |
Anna May Bogan, b. 28 Aug 1888, Spring Hill, Clinton County, Ohio, United States , d. 15 Feb 1980, Jamestown, Greene County, Ohio, United States (Age 91 years) |
Married |
10 Jan 1906 |
Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
Family ID |
F2654 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Helen Louise Lackey, b. 1 Jan 1911, Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, United States , d. 14 Jul 2000, Brookville, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States (Age 89 years) |
Married |
17 Mar 1934 |
Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, United States [35, 36] |
Newspaper: unknown... original clipping.
Miss Helen Lackey Is Married Saturday
Miss Helen Louise Lackey daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Lackey, 20 Home Ave., became the bride of Mr. Harry William Hormell, of New Burlington, in a beautiful early spring wedding performed at the home of the bride's parents before an assemblage of thirty-five guests, including members of the immediate families and friends, Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock.
Preceding the service Miss Lorena Stephens, of Port William, sang "I Love You Truly" and "At Dawning." She was accompanied at the piano by Miss Frances Jack, this city, who played the "Wedding March" from "Lohengrin", by Wagner, for the wedding processional.
The double ring service wa read by Dr. W. W. Foust, pastor of the First Reformed Church, before an improvised altar of palms and ferns arranged in front of the mantle in the living room of the Lackey home. Each side of the altar was marked by baskets of flowers and lighted candelabra.
Mrs. Claude Krug (Dorothy Lackey), of Englewood, the bride's sister, was matron of honor and wore a gown of chiffon velvet, in maroon shade. Her accessories were black and she carried an arm bouquet of spring blooms. Jeannette Hormell, small sister of the bridegroom, was flower girl. Dressed in a dainty frock of yellow crepe, she preceded the bride, scattering rose petals in her path. Bobby Lackey, brother of the bride, was ring bearer.
The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was attired in a chiffon velvet gown, the same shade as that worn by Mrs. Krug. The dress was made over Princess lines, with puffed sleeves. She wore gold slippers and other accessories were in a corresponding shade. She carried a shower bouquet of Johanna Hill roses.
The bride and her sisterr were met at the altar by the bridegroom and his attendant, Mr. Claude Krug.
For the recessional Miss Jack played Mendelssohn's "Wedding March."
Following the ceremony an informal reception was held and a two course wedding dinner served. Twelve guests were seated at the bride's table which was decorated in a color scheme of yellow and green. A large wedding cake was used as a centerpiece, with yellow streamers leading from the cake to each cover. Other guests were served at quartet tables.
Mr. and Mrs. Hormell left by motor Saturday evening for a brief wedding trip. The bride's going-away costume consisted of a dark blue triple sheer crepe dress and dark blue accessories. Her gloves were of white kid and were worn by her mother at her wedding thirty-two years ago. The couple will reside at 113 W. Monument Ave., Dayton.
Mrs. Hormell, who graduated from Central High School in 1928, attended Dayton Art Institute. She recently has been employed by the Maud Muller Candy Co., Dayton. She is a member of Alpha Rho Tau, an art sorority.
Mr. Hormell graduated from Kingman High School in 1927 and is employed by the National Cash Register Co., in Dayton.
Guests were present at the wedding and dinner from Englewood, Dayton, Springfield, Wilmington and New Burlington.
Newspaper: Unknown... original clipping
Miss Helen Louise Lackey Becomes Bride of Harry Hormell, New Burlington.
Thirty-Five Guests Present. Will Make Future Home in Dayton.
Xenia, March 24.—Miss Helen Louise Lackey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Lackey, 20 Home avenue, was united in marriage to Harry William Hormell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hormell of New Burlington, in a pretty ceremony solemnized at the home of the bride's parents last Saturday evening at 6:30 o'clock.
Dr. W. W.. Foust, pastor of the First Reformed church, officiated at the double ring service which was read before an improvised altar of palms and ferns in the living room of the Lackey home. Preceding the service Miss Lorena Stephens of Port Williams sang two numbers. She was accompanied by Miss Frances Jack, this city, who played for the wedding processional.
The couple's attendants were the bride's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Krug of Englewood. Jeannette Hormell, small sister of the bridegroom, was flower girl, and Bobby Lackey, brother of the bride, was ring bearer.
The bride wore a gown of chiffon velvet, in maroon shade, with gold accessories. Her sister was attired in a gown of the same shade and her accessories were black.
Following the service a wedding dinner was served to 35 guests. Later Mr. and Mrs. Hormell left for a wedding trip. They will reside at 113 West Monument avenue, Dayton. Mrs Hormell was graduated from Central high school, Xenia, in 1928 and later attended Dayton Art institute, where she was a member of Alpha Rho Tau sorority. She recently has been employed by the Maud Muller Candy company, Dayton. Mr. Hormell is a graduate of Kingman high school, Clinton county, and is employed by the National Cash Register company, Dayton.
Newspaper - Harry Hormell and Helen Lackey Article announcing the marriage and wedding details of Harry and Helen.
Original clipping, newspaper uknown. |
Newspaper - Harry Hormell and Helen Lackey Article announcing the marriage and wedding details of Harry and Helen.
Original clippping, newspaper unknown. |
Notes |
Note: Helen and Harry met at a social function at the New Burlington Church in New Burlington, Ohio. [37]
Children |
Last Modified |
16 Jan 2022 |
Family ID |
F2648 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Event Map |
 | Born - 28 Aug 1909 - Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
 | Census - as Harry W. Hormell, son, in the household of Clifford Hormell - 1910 - Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
 | Census - as Harry Hormell, son, in the household of Clifford Hormell - 1920 - Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
 | Graduation - Address: Kingman High School - 1927 - Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
 | Census - as Harry Hormel, son, attending mechanical training school, in the household of Clifford Hormell - 1930 - Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
 | Married - 17 Mar 1934 - Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, United States |
 | Residence - 1935 - Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - serviceman,Address: National Cash Register Company - 1936 - Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States |
 | Residence - Address: 713 Columbia Terrace - 1936 - Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - serviceman,Address: National Cash Resister Company - 1938 - Albany, Albany, New York, United States |
 | Residence - Address: 265 Allen Street - 1938 - Albany, Albany, New York, United States |
 | Census - as Harry W. Hormell, serviceman at National Cash Register, head of household, head of household, residence in 1935 Peoria, Illinois,Address: 609 W Fairchild Street - 1940 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Military - registered for the WWII Draft - 16 Oct 1940 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - Address: National Cash Register Company - 16 Oct 1940 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Residence - Address: 609 W Fairchild Street - 16 Oct 1940 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - serviceman,Address: National Cash Register Company - 1942 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Residence - Address: 1319 Franklin - 1942 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - Service Manager,Address: National Cash Register Company - 1944 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Residence - Address: 1319 Franklin - 1944 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - Service Manager,Address: National Cash Register Company - 1949 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Residence - Address: 1216 Oak - 1949 - Danville, Vermilion County, Illinois, United States |
 | Occupation - Correspondent,Address: NCR Corporation - 1951 - Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Residence - Address: Box 404 - 1951 - Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Religion - a member of Concord Methodist Church - 21 Dec 1952 - Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Occupation - Correspondent,Address: NCR Corporation - 1960 - Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Residence - 1960 - Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Occupation - Service Parts Analyst,Address: NCR Corporation - 1961 - Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Property - sold his interest in the Hormell Farm to Clifford Hormell, Jr.,Address: Hormell Farm - 14 Jun 1962 - Clinton County, Ohio, United States |
 | Retired - 1972 - Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Will - 1 Aug 1994 - Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Died - Cause: of cardiac arrest and coronary artery disease,Address: Good Samaritan Hospital - 14 Feb 1995 - Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
 | Buried - Address: Concord United Methodist Church Cemetery - 17 Feb 1995 - Englewood, Montgomery County, Ohio, United States |
Notes |
Memories: by Patricia Beck Hormell
Harry married his third cousin Helen Lackey. Harry's great-grandfather, Milton John Hormell was a brother of Helen's great-grandmother, Rebecca Hormell Sellers. Dr. Milton John Hormell delivered Helen's Father, Dr. Burt Lackey.
In his younger days, Harry did woodworking and finished several items that remain in the family today. One item was a large dry sink, others were a corner cabinet, a bookcase and several magazine racks. He collected stamps, liked to play cards, work in his rose garden and tell jokes. On occasion he was seen doing jigsaw puzzles. He was a member of Toastmasters International and a former member of the Lions Club.
After retirement, Helen and Harry traveled to Australia for an extended vacation, to visit their daughter Joyce, who was living there at the time. In later years, Florida became their winter home where they enjoyed the company of friends, many also from Ohio. They joined in the dancing, exercising, card games, bingo, walks on the beach, bike riding and visiting local restaurants, where Harry liked to sample all good things. He was fond of pork chops and corn fritters.
Sources |
- [S1962] Correspondence: Anna Hormell to Harry Hormell, Correspondence: Anna hormell to Harry Hormell.
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Birth Certificate: Harry Hormell (Reliability: 3).
Harry Hormell
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio
male born 28 August 1909
Father: Clifford hormell, residence Ohio, white, age 36, born Ohio, farmer
Mother: Anna Bogan, residence Ohio, white, age 26, born Ohio, housewife, 2 children 1 living
At the time of birth Harry was not given a middle name. William was added at a later date but the birth certificate was never changed.Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio
28 August 1909
- [S1016] 1910 Federal Census: Ohio, Warren County, Chester Township, p12B.
DW 307-308
...line 88 - Clifford Hormell, head, male, white, age 35 married 4 yrs, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, speaks English, farmer-general farm, can not read or write
...line 89 - Anna Hormell, wife, female, white, age 21, married 4 yrs., 2 children born-1 living, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, speaks English
...line 90 - Harry W. Hormell, son, male, white, age 9/12, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, speaks English
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio p12B
- [S857] 1920 Federal Census: Ohio, Clinton County, Chester Township, p10B.
DW 261-267
...line 61 - Clifford Hormell, own farm, male, white, age 45, married, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, farmer, farmer, own account
...line 62 - Anna M. Hormell, wife, female, white, age 31, married born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
...line 63 - Harry Hormell, son, male, white, age 10, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
...line 64 - Mary L. Hormell, daughter, female, white, age 4 10/12, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
...line 65 - Edith Hormell, daughter, female, white, age 2 3/12, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
DW 264-269
...line 73 - Welden N. McKay, head
...line 74 - Marty F. McKay, Mother
...line 75 - Nettie Bogan, housekeeper, female, white, age 54, widowed, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, housekeeper-private hosue (listed with Welden N. McKay)
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio p10B
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, School Record: Harry Hormell.
School Record for Harry Hormell
Harry William Hormell
Graduated 21 April 1927
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio
- [S670] 1930 Federal Census: Ohio, Clinton County, Chester Township, p8A.
DW 196-197
...line 1 - Anna M. Hormel, wife, female, white age 41, married at age 17, can Read/Write, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, speaks English, occupation: Mom
...line 2 - Harry Hormel, son, male, white, age 20, single, can Read/Write, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio, speaks English, Training School, Mechanical
...line 3 - Louise Hormel, daughter, female, white, age 15, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
...line 4 - Edith Hormel, daughter, female, white, age 12, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
...line 5 - Clifford Hormel, Jr., son, male, white, age 6, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
...line 6 - Jeanette Hormel, daughter, female, white, age 2, single, born Ohio, father born Ohio, mother born Ohio
Chester Township, Clinton County, Ohio p8A
- [S1924] Newspaper: Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio), 25 March 1934, p9-Harry Hormell and Helen Lackey.
Exchange Vows Before Altar In Xenia Home
Miss Helen Louise Lackey Becomes Bride of Harry W Hormell
Xenia, March 24—Miss Helen Louise Lackey, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. B. L. Lackey of 20 Home av., became the bride of Harry William Hormell of New Burlington in a pretty ceremony performed at the home of the bride, before 35 quests, Saturday evening.
Dayton, Ohio
- [S656] 1940 Federal Census: Illinois, Vermilion County, Danville Township, p.1B.
609 W. Fairchild
...Line 35 - Harry W. Hormell, head, male, white, age 30, married, born Ohio, prior residence: Peoria, Illinois, service at National Cash Register Co.
...Line 36 - Helen Hormell. wife, female, white, age 29, married, born Ohio, prior residence Peoria, Illinois,
Danville, Vermillion County, Illinois p1B
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, 1936 Peoria, Illinois p327.
Harry W Hormell (Helen) servicemn Natl Cash Register Co r713 Columbia ter
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, 1938 Albany, New York p471.
Harry W Hormell service mnNatl Cash Register r 265 Allen S
- [S656] 1940 Federal Census: Illinois, Vermilion County, Danville Township, p.1B.
609 W. Fairchild
...Line 35 - Harry W. Hormell, head, male, white, age 30, married, born Ohio, prior residence: Peoria, Illinois, service man at National Cash Register Co.
...Line 36 - Helen Hormell. wife, female, white, age 29, married, born Ohio, prior residence Peoria, Illinois,
Danville, Vermillion County, Illinois p1B
- [S540] Military: World War II Army Enlistment Records, NARA, Harry William Hormell.
Harry William Hormell, address 609 W. Fairchild St., Danville, Illinois, phone 4015 W Danville, age 31, birth date Aug 28 1909, birthplace New Burlington, Ohio, citizenship USA, father Clifford Hormell, RFD #1 New Burlington, Ohio, Employer H. C. Racine Nat. Cash Reg Co., 216 No. Vermilion St. Danville, Illinois, white, height 5'1", weight 155, hazel eyes, brown hair, dark complexion, scar on back of left hand, signed Harry W. Hormell
Danville, Vermillion County, Illinois, p1
16 October 1940Danville, Vermillion County, Illinois, p2
16 October 1940
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, 1942 Danville, Illinois 1942 p161.
Harry W Hormell (Helen: 1) servicemn Natl Cash Register Co h1319 Franklin
p161 Hormell
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, 1944 Danville, Illinois p154.
Harry W Hormell (Helen L) service manager Natl Cash Register Co h1319 Franklin
p154 Hormell
- [S1606] Newspaper Article, Toastmasters International - Harry Hormell, Treasurer.
Toasters Founder Outlines Aims
Newly elected treasurer Harry W. Hormell
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, p197 - Harry and Helen Hormell.
Harry Hormell (Helen) serv mgr h1216 Oak
p197, Hormell
- [S1606] Newspaper Article, Harry Hormell .
Family moved from Danville, Illinois to Englewood, Ohio
original clipping
circa 1950
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, 1951 Dayton, Ohio p341.
Harry W Hormell (Helen L) corres NCRCo r Box 404 Englewood
p341, Hormell
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Membership: Harry Hormell.
Harry Hormell
Concord Methodist Church
Englewood, Ohio
December 21 1952
Original in fileConcord Methodist Church
- [S1398] Directory: U.S. City Directories, 1822-1995, 1960 Dayton, Ohio p388, Hormell.
Harry W Hormell (Helen L) Corres NCRCo r Englewood O
p338, Hormell
- [S1607] Newspaper: News Tribune (Englewood, Ohio), 30 June 1960.
Englewood Lions Installs Officers
Harry Hormel, President
Music: Joyce Hormell
Englewood Lions Installs Officers
Harry Hormel, President
Music provided by Joyce Hormell
- [S428] Personal knowledge.
- [S1147] Property: Sale of Hormell farm, Sale of Hormell farm.
Sale of Anna Hormell's farm to son Clifford Hormell, Jr.
85 Acres in Clinton County
Clifford Hormell - 1/5 share applied to purchase price
Anna Hormell
Harry W & Helen Hormell
Marvin E. & Jeanette Webb
Thomas & Louise Collett
Clinton County, Ohio
Sale of farm to Clifford Hormell, Jr.
14 June 1962Clinton County, Ohio
Sale of farm to Clifford Hormell, Jr.
14 June 1962
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Passport: Harry Hormell.
#C 2273381 Harry Hormell and wife Helen
Issued 25 Aug 1972
Expiration 24 Aug 1977.
Includes Visa for travel to Australia issued 3 Oct 1972, expiration 3 Oct 1976
Harry Hormell
Birth: 28 August 1909, Ohio, USA
Height: 5' 10", gray hair, blue eyes
#C 2273381
25 August 1972#C 2273381
25 August 1972Visa for Australia
3 October1972
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Passport: Harry Hormell (Reliability: 3).
#C 2273381 Harry Hormell and wife Helen
Issued 25 Aug 1972
Expiration 24 Aug 1977.
Includes Visa for travel to Australia issued 3 Oct 1972, expiration 3 Oct 1976
Harry Hormell
Birth: 28 August 1909, Ohio, USA
Height: 5' 10", gray hair, blue eyes
#C 2273381
25 August 1972#C 2273381
25 August 1972Visa for Australia
3 October1972
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Driving Permit: Harry W. Hormell.
Issued at Washington D. C. 6 November 1972
Harry W. Hormell
Birthplace: Clinton County, Ohio, USA 28 August 1909
Residence: Englewood, Ohio USA
Signed: Harry W. Hormell
#1023901 for trip to Australia
~6 November 1972#1023901 for trip to Australia
~6 November 1972
- [S1924] Newspaper: Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio), 8 July 1984, p89.
50 Wedding Anniversary
Dayton, Ohio
8 July 1984, p89
- [S2050] Newspaper: Unknown, unknown.
Hormells celebrate 60th anniversary on Thursday March 17
60th Wedding Anniversary
17 March 1994
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Will: Harry W. Hormell (Reliability: 3).
Harry W. Hormell
1 August 1994
Harry W. Hormell
1 August 1994
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Funeral Card: Harry W. Hormell.
Kindred Barnes Funeral Home
17 February 1995
17 February 1995
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Death Certificate: Harry William Hormell.
Harry William Hormell
male, D. Feb 14, 1995, age 85, b. Aug 28, 1909 in New Burlington, Ohio
Died at Good Samaritan Hospital, Dayton, Montgomery County
Married. Surviving spouse Helen L. Lackey
Usual occupation-Sales, NCR. Race-white
Father-Clifford Hormell, Mother-Anna Bogan.
Cause of Death: Cardiac arrest, Underlying Cause of Death: coronary artery disease
Burial: Concord Cemetery, Englewood, Ohio, 17 February 1995
Registrar's No. 802
Harry William Hormell
Original issued by Ohio Department of Health
14 February 1995
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Fuenral Expense: Harry Hormell (Reliability: 3).
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Purchase of Cemetery Lots: Hormell.
Purchase of Cemetery Lots
- [S2191] Burial: Concord Methodist Church Cemetery.
Harry W. Hormell 1909 1995
Helen L. Hormell 1911 - 2000
Buried in the old part of the cemetery behind the old church.
Photographed April 10, 2004 by Pat Hormell
Harry W. Hormell 1909 1995
Helen L. Hormell 1911 - 2000
- [S2188] Artifact: Privately Held, Marriage: Harry William Hormell and Helen Louise Lackey (Reliability: 3).
Greene County, Ohio
Harry William Hormell and Helen Louise Lackey...Married 17 March 1934 by Rev. Wallace W. Foust
Greene County, Ohio v19, p183
Harry William Hormell and Helen Louise Lackey
17 March 1934Harry William Hormell and Helen Louise Lackey
Original marriage license
17 March 1934
- [S1163] Ohio: Greene County, Marriage Records, FHL# 535128., Harry William Hormell and Helen Louise Lackey-v19, p183.
Greene County, Ohio
...Harry William Hormell, age 24 on Aug 28 1933, residence New Burlington, O., born Clinton Co., Ohio, occupation Mechanic, father Clifford Hormell, mother Anna Mae Bogan, not previously married.
...Helen Louise Lackey, age 23 on Jan 1 1934, residence Home Ave., Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, born Xenia, Ohio, occupation Clerk, father Burt Lafetra Lackey, mother Ada Frances Clark, not previously married
...Married 17 March 1934 by Rev. Wallace W. Foust
Greene County, Ohio
17 March 1934
- [S1924] Newspaper: Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio).